Inorganic filler on the properties of flame retardant polypropylene geogrid


Polypropylene (PP) with excellent physical properties and chemicalproperties, bai widely title plastic geogrid to replace traditional civilmaterials such as metal, fiber and wood. But PP burn easily, and not easy to goout after fire, therefore, its application in coal mine fire risk area such asthe great limit.

In order to improve the flame retardancy of PP, mostlyadopt the method of adding flame retardants, and more efficient flame retardantis still commonly as the halogen flame retardant, in the industry tohexabromocyclododecane (HBCD), bromine diphenyl oxide and ten pbdes which hasbeen widely applied, etc. In formula design of flame retardant PP geogrids, inaddition to adding flame retardants, often with inorganic filler to improve itsprocessability, mechanical properties and crystallization properties, andreduce the cost, the talcum powder, calcium carbonate, mica powder, zincborate, carbon black and so on are commonly used in PP geogrid inorganicfiller. Talcum powder as a kind of can increase rigidity, adjust the viscosityand melting temperature, improve processing performance, thermal stability andflame retardant properties of the packing, is widely used in the PP geogrid toimprove the processability and thermal stability of the material. Calciumcarbonate as the most widely used inorganic fillers, can reduce the cost of PPproducts not only, also can improve the rigidity of the material, hardness,dimensional stability and heat resistance, etc., but also reduce the mechanicalproperties of materials. Zinc borate as a kind of flame retardant additives,not only can be used as association effect of halogen flame retardant agent inorder to improve the flame retardant effect and reduce the cost of materials,but also can significantly reduce the amount of smoke in the combustion processmaterials. Except as rubber reinforcing agent, has been widely used asconductive filler and stabilizer of outdoor materials, and adding carbon blackin PP can improve the electrical conductivity, stability and aging resistance.

fillers, but about the inorganic filler in the application of theflame retardant PP geogrid study also is less so in combination with relevantcombustion experiment method to study the effect of inorganic filler on PPflame retardant grille function for the theoretical research and industrialproduction has important significance. In the numerous combustion test method,limit oxygen index, vertical combustion experiments, alcohol burner combustionexperiment and is widely applied in the evaluation of cone calorimeter the firehazards and flame retardant properties of plastic geogrids.